
Theater for Adults

The Proposal

This vaudeville by A.P. Chekhov can be considered a study of marriage as a pact, a freely agreed alliance between man and woman, more than a union, not in a spiritual sense, but rather in a pragmatic, material one.

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A Streetcar Named Desire

"A Streetcar Named Desire" is a complex drama, almost a distorted expression of nihilism, an absurd sense of existence, beyond comic or tragic, with strong biological-sexual elements, in which instincts are not restrained by reason and conveniences.

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The Certificate

«Today anything and anyone can become the subject of a play. There is no censorship anymore. Unfortunately, self-censorship does not work well for Romanians either. The right to free speech is perhaps the most important and consistent right won by Romanians since the revolution.

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O noapte furtunoasă

<> – un titlu foarte cunoscut, un text montat atât de des, dar care totuși reușește să surprindă și să umple sălile teatrelor. Dincolo de apanajul colorat și pestriț al personajelor, spectacolul <>, în regia regretatului Prof. Univ.Dr Bogdan Ulmu surprinde cu dibăcie decrepitudinea mahalalelor bucureștene.

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