
Erica Ioana Moldovan

Erica Ioana Moldovan
Actor, teacher and presenter / producer of TV shows. An active person. Graduate of the National Art University “George Enescu” in Iasi – Department of Actor Art, Graduate of the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium – Department of Anthropology – Cultural Studies, Erica Moldovan debuted in November 2006 on the stage of the Athenaeum with the song “Let’s have sex” , directed by Benoît Vitse and since then he has chosen to grow and remain part of the team of this institution. He also flirted with cinematography in the production of “LARA”, with the role of Fausta. Cheerful, strong, active person, with great love for the stage and the audience. An almost indispensable presence at many charitable events.
“I always respond, with great joy, to all invitations to participate in charitable events. It’s the way I feel I can offer something back to Iasi and the people of Iași who adopted me with so much love! ” The active and diverse artistic life characterizes it – “Despite the always busy schedule, despite the fatigue, this is the only way I learned to live my professional life. I don’t know otherwise, I can’t do otherwise. I find peace at home, next to my family, but beyond the door of my house, I like the storm and the stormy seas. ” – Erica Moldovan
Attention, We’re landing! – Janet
A stormy night – Veta
Dinner with fools – Christine Brochant
Cinderella at the ball – Good fairy
Peter Pan – Dna. Darling
Comedy with Oltenians – Aurica Joițoiu
Alice in Wonderland – Queen of Red
The fair – Blonde
First Time – Magda
A lost letter – Zoe
Directed by “The Little Prince”, “First Time”
Directing assistant: “A stormy night”, “Peter Pan”, “Alice in Wonderland”, “The Fair”.

Cezara Fantu

Cezara Fantu
Cezara Fantu nibbles on small stories on the roofs of houses, especially those told on warm, blue nights like ink. He always keeps the ink of the books on his hands and loves the labyrinths that smell of old paper, dust and magic. He robs writers. Letter by letter. Syllable by syllable. Cup by cup. In his free time he is a little stroller – (he always has a Guide to Getting Lost in his pocket). It transforms everything it takes from the outside, just as the tree transforms carbon dioxide into other organic substances and oxygen. He believes that theater remains a “social meditation on the human condition and on the events of our times that affect us the most.” He believes in the cultural system in motion, in progress, in freedom, in the generation of BOBO (bourgeois bohemians), in those who take care of the great boulevards of the mind, in passionate people, in the ballet of the spirit and in the magic of curiosity; It was art and the heart – she calls it. Happy people read and drink coffee. The favorites also do theater.
Graduate of the “George Enescu” University of Arts Iasi, Acting Department, Promotion 2014
Master in Performing Arts, “George Enescu” University of Arts Iasi, Promotion 2016
A Lost Letter, after Ion Luca Caragiale (Zoe Trahanache), directed by Ovidiu Lazăr
The Choice, a one-act play written at Versoix in 1960 by Their Majesties King Mihai I and Queen Anne, directed by Thomas Hogea
Dănilă Prepeleac Gem Seșăn, after Ion Sapdaru, directed by Octavian Jighirgiu
Éram and Éra, after the Snows of yesteryear by Dumitru Solomon (EA), directed by Ovidiu Ivan
Marriage proposal, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (Natalia Stepanovna), directed by Radu Ghilaş
The story of the Union, Tudor Șoimaru (Sofia Cocea), directed by Ovidiu Lazăr
Comedy with Olteni, Gheorghe Vlad (Dumitra Ciocu), directed by Ovidiu Cuncea
Attention, we are landing! after Marc Camoletti (Helga), directed by Daniel Onoae
Peter Pan- musical (Wendy), directed by Iulian Sandu
The nameless star, after Mihail Sebastian (Mona), directed by Andrei Ciobanu
Backstage scandal, after Michael Frayn (Belinda), directed by Daniel Onoae
With the Cinderella at the ball, Constantin Brehnescu (Step Sister), directed by Toma Hogea
Adventures with Mr. Goe, after Ion Luca Caragiale (Țaca, Student), directed by Iulian Sandu
Alice in Wonderland – musical (Alice), directed by Iulian Sandu
Dumbrava Fairy Tales – musical (Domnița, Ilenuța – Fata Babei), directed by Iulian Sandu
The certificate, Dr. Venerus Popa (gynecologist and infectionist), directed by Viorel Vârlan
Romeo and Juliet … making of, after the comedy Lada by Ion Sava (Assistant Director), Directed by Radu Alexandru Petrescu

Alexandra Paftală

Alexandra Paftală
Graduate of the National University of Arts “George Enescu” Iasi, graduated in Performing Arts, study program Acting / Dolls / Puppets, class of 2015. She followed her master’s degree, class of 2017, at Performing Arts, Faculty of Theater of the same University. She was a collaborator of the Synchret Theater Company for the show “Ana”, performed at the Cub Theater Hall of the “V. Alecsandri” National Theater in Iași, as well as for the outdoor show “Fereastra”, directed by Ciprian Huțanu.
At the Athenaeum he plays the roles:
- Berta from the comedy “Attention, we’re landing!” directed by Daniel Onoae;
- Student Zamfirescu Eleonora from the play “The Nameless Star” directed by Andrei Ciobanu;
- Duchess from the children’s show “Alice in Wonderland”, directed by Iulian Ioan Sandu;
- Catinca, Drăcoaica and Ionica in the show “Dănilă Prepeleac Gem Session” directed by Octavian Jighirgiu;
- Vicki in the comedy “Scandal Behind the Scenes” directed by Daniel Onoae;
- Doica and Marghiolița in the children’s show “Dumbrava basmelor muzicale”, directed by Iulian Ioan Sandu;
- Elena Cuza in the show “The Story of the Union”, directed by Ovidiu Lazăr;
- Ziţa in the show “A stormy night”, directed by Bogdan Ulmu;
- Mommy in the show “Adventures with Mr. Goe”, directed by Iulian Ioan Sandu;
- Comrade Truță in the show “Comedy with Oltenians”, directed by Ovidiu Cuncea;
- Babette Latouche in the show “Pajamas”, directed by Andrei Ciobanu;
- Marlene Sorasa in the show “Dinner with fools”, directed by Sebastian Bădărău;
- Stepmother in the show “With the Cinderella at the ball”, directed by Toma Hogea;
- Baba Safta in the show “Take, Ianke and Cadar”, directed by Ion Sapdaru;
- The tormented citizen in the show “A lost letter”, directed by Ovidiu Lazăr
- Aglaița in the show “The Freemason from Hârlău”, directed by Ion Sapdaru;
Also, together with the band Marionnette Show, of which he is part since 2015, on some weekends of the weekend he plays in children’s plays.

Alexandra Macovei

Alexandra Macovei
Date and place of birth: June 14, 1995, Tîrgu Neamț.
He graduated from the “George Enescu” National University of Arts, Iași, Faculty of Theater, specialization in the Art of the Actor and the Art of the actor handling puppets and puppets, 2017.
Master – Contemporary Performing Arts, “George Enescu” National University of Arts, Iași, 2019.
Roles at the Iasi Athenaeum:
The White Rabbit and the Cook – “Alice in Wonderland”, directed by Iulian Sandu, 2017
Maricica, devil and bunny – “Dănilă Prepeleac jam seșăn”, directed by Octavian Jighirgiu, 2017
Dancer – “The Choice”, directed by Toma Hogea, 2017
Assistant director – “Scandal behind the scenes”, directed by Daniel Onoae, 2017
Iosefina Negri – “The story of the union”, directed by Ovidiu Lazăr, 2018
The Flower and the Fox – “The Little Prince”, directed by Erica Moldovan, 2018
Goe Popescu – “Adventures with Mr. Goe ”, directed by Iulian Sandu, 2018
Juliet – “Romeo and Juliet … making of”, directed by Alexandru-Radu Petrescu, 2018
Trina Joițoiu – “Comedy with Oltenians”, directed by Ovidiu Cuncea, 2018
Claudine Amour – “Pajamas”, directed by Andrei Ciobanu, 2018
Cinderella – “At the ball with Cinderella”, directed by Toma Hogea, 2018
Ana – “Take, Ianke and Cadir”, directed by Ion Sapdaru, 2019
Maid – “A lost letter”, directed by Ovidiu Lazăr, 2019

Mara Lucaci

Mara Lucaci
My name is Mara Lucaci. I am currently studying master’s degree, specialization in Performing Arts, at the Faculty of Theater of the National University of Arts “George Enescu” in Iasi. My passion for acting started in high school, during which I spent my time discovering what theater is, together with the amateur theater troupe of which I was part. The moment I decided that I wanted to follow this path was the show directed and performed by me in the 11th grade, “Memento mori”, one woman show that aroused in me curiosity and desire to play. After three years of studies in which I developed a lot as a person, in the last year of my degree I was lucky enough to collaborate with the Bacovia Municipal Theater on the show “Crocodile” directed by Horia Suru, a show that had a huge impact on my development as an actress. Two other collaborations followed, shows directed by Sebastian Bădărău (“Between heaven and earth” FIX Theater) and Radu Afrim (“The city with poor girls” “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theater) which developed my confidence in my talent and desire to be an actress. I consider myself one of the lucky actors of my generation, this position at the National Athenaeum being a launching pad that all graduates need. I am grateful that I received this chance and I promise that I will enjoy it and exploit it to the end.
On the stage of the Athenaeum I will debut in the show “Tonight … with the family”, directed by Erica Moldovan!

Codrin Dănilă

Codrin Dănilă
Codrin Dănilă graduated from ‘Octav Băncilă’ National Art High School in Iași, specialty: the Art of the Actor. He also has a Bachelor’s Degree from the Faculty of Theater of ‘George Enescu’ National University of Arts in Iaşi – specialty: the Art of the Puppeteer. He has been playing since 2011 in the only improvisation theater company in Iaşi, the IDIOT. He worked with important television stations such as TVR or Antena1. We invite you to see just how serious he is in his acting career by watching him in the plays that he plays with the other actors of the Atheneum in Iași.
- ‘The Freemason of Hârlău’ – Frantz Macson
- ‘Saint Nicholas’ Evening’ – Peter Pan
- ‘Harap Alb’ – Green Emperor, Storyteller, Setilă
- ‘Prince Charming of the Tear’ – Nobleman
- ‘A Lost Letter’ – Ștefan Tipătesc
- ‘Take, Yanke and Kadyr’ – Ianke
- ‘Dinner of Fools’ – François Pignon
- ‘The Proposal’ – Ivan Vasilievic Lomov
- ‘Cinderella at the Ball’ – Emperor
- ‘Peter Pan’ – Peter Pan
- ‘The Star without a Name’ – Radu Udrea
- ‘Unification: the Story of 1859’ – Iordache Lambrino
- ‘A Stormy Night’ – Jupân Dumitrache
- ‘Alice in Wonderland’ – Cheshire Cat
- ‘Adventures with Mr. Goe’ – ticker collector/a student
- ‘The Grove of Musical Tales’ – a servant / oven / a butler
- ‘2 Be, in the Past & Present’ – Eram
- ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ – Harold Mitchel
- ‘Emigrants’ – Emigrant A
- ‘Dănilă Prepeleac – an Old Tale Told Anew’ – Dănilă
- ‘13’ – the waiter
- ‘Pajama Tops’ – Jacques Latouche
- ‘The Fair’ – the fool
- ‘Romeo and Juliet Making Of’ – the manager
- ‘The Choice’ – a dancer
- ‘A Comedy with Southerners’ – Ciron
- ‘Noises Off’ – Philip
- ‘The Certificate’ – Laggard 2

Dumitru Florescu

Dumitru Florescu
Dumitru Florescu has a Bachelor’s Degree in acting in Associate Professor Ph.D. Octavian Jighirgiu’s class and a Master’s Degree in Performing Arts in Professor Ph.D. Mihaela Arsenescu – Werner’s class, at the Faculty of Theater of ‘George Enescu’ National University of Arts in Iaşi.
- Chiriac in ‘A Stormy Night’, directed by Bogdan Ulmu
- Carol in ‘My First Time’, directed by Erica Moldovan
- The king in ‘Alice in Wonderland’, directed by Iulian Ioan Sandu
- Commissioner in ‘Romeo and Juliet… Making Of’, directed by Alexandru Petrescu
- Gheorghe, devil, Aurică, bear in ‘Dănilă Prepeleac – an Old Tale Told Anew’, directed by Octavian Jighirgiu
- X in ‘Emigrants’, directed by Cătălin Cucu
- Roger in ‘Noises Off’, directed by Daniel Onoae
- The dancer in ‘The Choice’, directed by Toma Hogea
- Ionică, Miorlăilă in ‘The Grove of Musical Tales’, directed by Iulian Ioan Sandu
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza in ‘Unification: the Story of 1859’, directed by Ovidiu Lazăr
- Georgescu, the Teacher in ‘Adventures with…Mr. Goe’, directed by Iulian Ioan Sandu
- Gheorghe Ciocu in ‘A Comedy with Southerners’, directed by Ovidiu Cuncea
- Businessman, the King in ‘The Little Prince’, directed by Erica Moldovan
- Lucien Cheval in ‘Dinner of Fools’, directed by Sebastian Bădărău
- The Prince in ‘Cinderella at the Ball’, directed by Toma Hogea
- Take in ‘Take, Yanke and Kadyr’, directed by Ion Sapdaru
- Nae Cațavencu in ‘A Lost Letter’, directed by Ovidiu Lazăr
- The Breadless, the Red Emperor in ‘Harap Alb”, directed by Erica Moldovan
- The neighbor emperor in ‘Prince Charming of the Tear’, directed by Erica Moldovan
- The Price in ‘Saint Nicholas’ Evening’, directed by Erica Moldovan
- The Commissioner in ‘The Freemason of Hârlău’, directed by Ion Sapdaru

Daniel Onoae

Daniel Onoae
Graduate of ‘George Enescu’ National University of Arts in Iaşi, Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Arts, study program: the Art of the Actor, class of 2016. He also has a Master’s Degree in Performing Arts, class of 2018, Faculty of Theater of the same University. He was a member of the ‘Marionnette Show’ Children’s Theater Company, he worked with the Synchret Theater Company for the outdoor show ‘The Window’, directed by Ciprian Huțanu, he now plays in the independent play ‘Completely White’ and he worked with the Globus Circus in Bucharest. As far as the Atheneum in Iași is concerned, he directed the play ‘Watch Out, We’re Landing!’, based on Marc Camoletti’s farce ‘Boeing-Boeing’, and he also directed the comedy ‘Noises Off’ based on Michael Frayn.
At the Atheneum he plays the following characters:
- Pestriț in ‘The Freemason of Hârlău’, directed by Ion Sapdaru;
- The emperor in ‘Prince Charming of the Tear’, directed by Erica Moldovan;
- Gerilă in ‘Saint Nicholas’ Evening’, directed by Erica Moldovan;
- Gerilă, Beau in ‘Harap Alb’, directed by Erica Moldovan;
- Spiridon in ‘A Stormy Night’ directed by the late director Bogdan Ulmu;
- Bernard in ‘Watch Out, We’re Landing!’, stage directed by Daniel Onoae;
- The doctor in ‘Romeo and Juliet…Making Of’, directed by Alexandru-Radu Petrescu;
- Stanley Kowalski in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, directed by Andrei Ciobanu;
- Dormouse in the children’s play ‘Alice in Wonderland’, directed by Iulian Ioan Sandu;
- The boy in the play ‘13’, directed by Ovidiu Ivan;
- Tălășman the ox, the devil and Petrică in ‘Dănilă Prepeleac – an Old Tale Told Anew’, directed by Octavian Jighirgiu;
- The director in ‘Noises Off’, directed by Daniel Onoae;
- Amar in ‘The Choice’, written by Their Majesties King Michael I of Romania and Queen Anne, directed by Toma Hogea;
- The servant and the bear in the children’s play ‘The Grove of Musical Tales’, directed by Iulian Ioan Sandu;
- Grig in ‘The Star without a Name’, directed by Andrei Ciobanu;
- Lefter Popescu, Otopeanu in ‘Adventures with Mr. Goe’, directed by Iulian Ioan Sandu;
- Lisandru Joițoiu in ‘A Comedy with Southerners’, directed by Ovidiu Cuncea;
- Georges Chauvinet in ‘Pajama Tops’, directed by Andrei Ciobanu;
- Juste Leblanc in ‘Dinner of Fools’, directed by Sebastian Bădărău;
- The butler in ‘Cinderella at the Ball’, directed by Toma Hogea;
- Kadyr in ‘Take, Yanke and Kadyr’, directed by Ion Sapdaru;
- Zaharia Trahanache in ‘A Lost Letter’, directed by Ovidiu Lazăr.

Gelu-Alexandru Ciobotaru

Gelu-Alexandru Ciobotaru
As early as his first year of college, he had the opportunity to play a difficult character in the play ‘Goldberg Show’ directed by Mihai Măniuțiu. He was part of a collective character – ‘hell’s angels’ – where he had to face the challenge of choreographic moments that required physical strength, staged by Andreea Gavriliu.
The play ‘Chirița in the Countryside’ directed by Ion Sapdaru is where he made his debut playing Guliță. Thus, he had the opportunity to meet all the actors of National Theater House of Iași City and experienced the joy of a large family that comes together to create a festive artistic moment.
At the Atheneum in Iași, he plays the following characters:
- A Lost Letter – by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Ovidiu Lazăr – Iordache Brânzovenescu
- Take, Yanke and Kadyr – by Victor Ion Popa, directed by Ion Sapdaru – Ionel
- A Stormy Night – by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Bogdan Ulmu – Nae Ipingesc
- A Comedy with Southerners – based on Gheorghe Vlad, directed by Ovidiu Cuncea – Poponete
- The Star without a Name – by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Andrei Ciobanu – Ichim
- Harap Alb – by Ion Creangă, directed by Erica Moldovan – Harap Alb
- Prince Charming of the Tear – by Mihai Eminescu, directed by Erica Moldovan – Prince Charming
- Pajama Tops – directed by Andrei Ciobanu – Leonard Joliejolie
- The Freemason of Hârlău – by Vasile Alecsandri, directed by Ion Sapdaru – Titirez
The practical test of his Bachelor’s Degree graduation examination at the Faculty of Theater of ‘George Enescu’ University of the Arts in Iași was the play ‘Carnival Stories’ by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Oana Botezatu – where the played the Candidate. He also played in ‘Theater 200’, directed by Cristian-Valeriu Hadji-Culea.
Other characters that he played:
‘The French Teacher’ by Tudor Mușatescu, directed by – Ioana – Mădălina Ungureanu, under the guidance of professor Ion Mircioagă.
‘Memories’ under the guidance of professor Raluca Bujoreanu Huțanu.
‘We’re Too Many on this Damn Boat’ by Matei Vișniec, directed by – Alice Moisă
Direction examination – Ovidiu Ivan, he played the son in ‘The Wish Fulfilled’ by David

Daniel Popa

Daniel Popa
Graduate in 2020 of the Faculty of Theater within ‘George Enescu’ National University of the Arts in Iași, in Professor Ph.D. Emil Coșeru’s and Associate Professor Ph.D. Tatiana Ionesi’s class, Daniel considers himself a lucky, hardworking and grateful man.
He worked with ‘Vasile Alecsandri’ National Theater in Iași – Titus Andronicus (d. Charles Muller, 2019, where he played Alarbus)
He worked with the Oak Theater (independent theater company) – Karnal, a performance by Alexandru Radu
At the National Atheneum in Iași:
-the Witness in ‘A Comedy with Southerners’, directed by: Ovidiu Cuncea (2018)
-Inspector Legrande in ‘Pajama Tops’, directed by: Andrei Ciobanu (2018)
-the Gunner in ‘Cinderella at the Ball’, directed by: Toma Hogea (2018)
-Popescu in ‘A Lost Letter’, directed by: Ovidiu Lazăr (2019)
-Erasm Vasiliu in ‘This Evening with the Family’, directed by: Erica Moldovan (2020)
-Lucien Cheval in ‘Dinner of Fools’, directed by: Sebastian Bădărău (2021)
-Intendant Gânganu in ‘The Freemason of Hârlău’, directed by: Ion Sapdaru (2021)
-Itzic in ‘Take, Yanke and Kadyr’, directed by: Ion Sapdaru
-The Old Man Moș Ion Roată in ‘Unification: the Story of 1859’, directed by: Ovidiu Lazăr 2021)
-January in ‘Prince Charming of the Tear’, directed by: Erica Moldovan (2021)

Mariana Dumitrache

Mariana Dumitrache
Graduate of the National University of Arts “George Enescu” Iași, graduated in Performing Arts, study program Acting / Dolls / Puppets, class of 2017. She followed her master’s studies, class of 2019, at Contemporary Performing Arts, Theater Faculty of the same University.
He was an actor-collaborator in the show “Goldberg Show”, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, in 2016, a show played on the stage of the National Theater “Vasile Alecsandri” Iași.
He is a puppet actor in the Marionnette Show children’s theater troupe since 2017.
Since August 2020, he is a permanent collaborating actor at the National Athenaeum in Iasi.
• Măriuca in the show “In the evening of Santa Claus” directed by Erica Moldovan and Daniel Onoae
• The mother of the forest in the show “Beautiful Boy in Tears” directed by Erica Moldovan
• Countess and step-sister in the show “With the Cinderella at the ball” directed by Toma Hogea
• The daughter of Verde Emperor in the show “Harap-Alb” directed by Erica Moldovan
• Mam’mare in the show ,, Adventures with … Mr. Goe ”directed by Ioan Iulian Sandu
• Machinist in the show “Romeo and Juliet … making of” directed by Alexandru Radu Petrescu
• Petria in the show “Comedy with Oltenians” directed by Ovidiu Cuncea

Răzvan Constantin Grosu

Răzvan Constantin Grosu
Absolvent al Universității Naționale de Arte „George Enescu” Iași, licențiat în Artele Spectacolului, programul de studiu Arta Actorului, promoția 2019 la clasa conf. univ. dr. Octavian Jighirgiu.
Graduate of ‘George Enescu’ National University of the Arts in Iași, Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Arts, study program: the Art of the Actor, class of 2019, in Associate Professor Ph.D. Octavian Jighirgiu’s class.
He is now a Master’s Degree student in Performing Arts at the Faculty of Theater of the same University. As early as his second year in college he worked with ‘Vasile Alecsandri’ National Theater for the plays ‘Skin and Heaven’ directed by Radu Ghilaș, ‘Tonight We Improvise’ directed by Ovidiu Lazăr, and in his third and last year of the Bachelor’s Degree education in ‘Hamlet it be’, directed by Octavian Jighirgiu.
He also worked with Sica Alecsandrescu Theater in Brașov for the play ‘Her and Only Her’, directed by Radu Ghilaș. In 2015 he won second prize at the National Theater Olympic and ‘ȘTEFAN MIHĂILESCU’ National Comedy Contest in BRĂILA. The following year, in 2016, he won first prize at the National Theater Olympic.
On the stage of the National Atheneum in Iași, you can watch him playing:
- Costică, in ‘This Evening with the Family’, directed by Erica Moldovan
- Milescu, in ‘The Freemason of Hârlău’, directed by Ion Sapdaru
- Ichim, in ‘The Star without a Name’, directed by Andrei Ciobanu
- Ferruccio, in ‘Romeo and Juliet… Making Of’, directed by Alexandru-Radu Petrescu
- Ionel, in ‘Saint Nicholas’ Evening’, directed by Erica Moldovan
- Darling, in ‘Peter Pan’, directed by Iulian Ioan Sandu

Claudiu Vrabie

Claudiu Vrabie
Being drawn to acting since high school, he decided to attend the acting specialty of the Faculty of Theater of ‘George Enescu’ National University of the Arts in Iași. He graduated the Bachelor’s Degree education in 2019 and is not a Master’s Degree student in Performing Arts at the same University.
Energetic, charismatic, determined and creative, but at the same time playful, he joined the Atheneum team full of passion and enthusiasm.
Confident and passionate about what he does, Claudiu Vrabie is the man who does not hesitate to take on responsibilities or constructive initiatives.
He worked with Vasile Alecsandri National Theater in Iași, for the play ‘Tonight We Improvise’, directed by Ovidiu Lazăr.
On the stage of the National Atheneum in Iași, you can watch him playing:
- Mitică, in ‘This Evening with the Family’, directed by Erica Moldovan
- Țâvriș, in ‘A Comedy with Southerners’, directed by Ovidiu Cuncea
- Romeo, in ‘Romeo and Juliet… Making Of’, directed by Alexandru-Radu Petrescu
- Saint Nicholas, in ‘Saint Nicholas’ Evening’, directed by Erica Moldovan

Ana Hegyi

Ana Hegyi
Energetic, optimistic and cheerful, Ana Hegyi loves the stage and every challenge is a delight! She graduated from the Faculty of Theater of ‘George Enescu’ National University of the Arts in Iași, and has a Master’s Degree in Performing Arts from the same university. She is a theater and puppet show teacher at the Children’s Palace in Iași and an actor in the team of the Atheneum in Iași!
‘I have known her since she was an industrious student. I witnessed her becoming and achievements. We have worked together and challenged her professional skills. Ana Hegyi is a complete and polyphonic actress. She can go from tragedy to comedy like she would eat ice cream on a bench in the park. Ana Hegyi is a strong actress. She can be fragile and vulnerable, and also harsh, intense, incisive. Ana Hegyi is an actress you won’t forget. Although she stubbornly hides behind her characters, she has a uniqueness that seduces spectators for good. It is the indefinable coat of arms of a true and mature Actor.’
Ovidiu Lazăr, director of the Iaşi National Theater, Professor Ph.D. at the National University of the Arts in Iaşi.
Ovidiu Lazăr, regizor Teatrul Național Iaşi, prof.univ.dr., Universitatea Națională de Arte Iaşi.

Andrei Ciobanu

Andrei Ciobanu
Andrei Ciobanu is a young actor, born in Iaşi. He graduated from the acting department of ‘George Enescu’ University of the Arts in Iaşi and has a Master’s Degree in Performing Arts. He made his debut at ‘Victor Ion Popa’ Theater in Bârlad, where he was employed for three years. In September 2016, Andrei Ciobanu joined the team of the Atheneum, and the audience recognizes his spontaneity, naturalness and creativity, as he directs and plays his own productions and Atheneum productions both on the Atheneum stage and in unconventional locations. He is the initiator of the sit-down comedy concept in Iaşi, TV show presenter, organizer of shows for young and older children.
Andrei Ciobanu, in the magical world of the Atheneum in Iași – actor in ‘Pajama Tops’, ‘Romeo and Juliet… Making Of’, ‘Dinner of Fools’, ‘Unification: the Story of 1859’, ‘Alice in Wonderland’, ‘The Little Prince’, ‘Peter Pan’, ‘The Certificate’, ‘The Inn Keeper’, ‘The Star without a Name’, ‘A Comedy with Southerners’, ‘A Lost Letter’
He directed ‘Pajama Tops’, ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, ‘The Star without a Name’, ‘The Inn Keeper’.
Andrei Ciobanu, în lumea magică a Ateneului din Iași – actor în “Pijamale”, “Romeo și Julieta… making of”, “Dineu cu proști”, “Povestea Unirii”, “Alice în Țara Minunilor”, “Micul prinț”, “Peter Pann”, “Certificatul”, “Hangița”, “Steaua fără nume “, “Comedie cu olteni”,”O scrisoare pierdută” Regie “Pijamale”, “Un tramvai numit <<Dorință >>”, “Steaua fără nume”, “Hangița”.
Collaborating Directors

Ion Sapdaru
He directed ‘Take, Yanke and Kadyr’ and ‘The Freemason of Hârlău’

Toma Hogea
He directed ‘The Choice’, ‘Cinderella at the Ball’

Ovidiu Lazăr
He directed ‘Unification: the Story of 1859’, ‘A Lost Letter’

Sebastian Bădărău
He directed ‘Dinner of Fools’

Ovidiu Cuncea
He directed ‘A Comedy with Southerners’

Radu Ghilaș
He directed ‘The Proposal’

Ovidiu Ivan
He directed ‘13’, ‘Eram and Era’

Cătălin Cucu
He directed ‘Emigrants’

Viorel Vârlan
He directed ‘The Certificate’

Iulian Ioan Sandu
He directed ‘Peter Pan’, ‘Alice in Wonderland’, ‘The Grove of Musical Tales’, ‘Adventures with… Mr. Goe’

Alexandru Radu Petrescu
He directed ‘Romeo and Juliet… Making Of’

Bogdan Ulmu
He directed ‘A Stormy Night’

Erica Moldovan
She directed ‘My First Time’, ‘The Little Prince’, ‘Prince Charming of the Tear’; ‘Harap Alb’, ‘This Evening with the Family’, ‘Saint Nicholas’ Evening’

Octavian Jighirgiu
He directed ‘Dănilă Prepeleac – an Old Tale Told Anew’, ‘Childhood Memories’, ‘Tropical phenomenon’

Andrei Ciobanu
He directed ‘Marriage for Two’, ‘1+1=3’, ‘Wrong-Way Love’, ‘Stardust Sweeper’, ‘The Star without a Name’, ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, ‘Pajama Tops’

Daniel Onoae
He directed ‘Watch Out, We’re Landing!’, ‘Noises Off’, ‘Head in the Clouds’

Raluca Zaharia
Conductor of the Children’s Choir of Iași Municipality

Raluca Zaharia
Conductor of the Children’s Choir of Iași Municipality since September 2020, Raluca Zaharia has distinguished herself since childhood by appearing on local and national television and radio, both as a vocal soloist performing light and choral music (1993-2000 – course artistic at the Iași Children’s Palace), as well as as a presenter of the children’s shows Planeta Copiilor and Recreația Mare of the Romanian Broadcasting Iași, between 1995-1999.
Raluca has a path in a continuous artistic training and arrives, following an entrance exam for the 5th grade, at the National Art College Octav Băncilă Iași, at the instrumental-flute section, at the class of the late Prof. Dumitru Cristache.
After many national participations in which she represents the city of Iași, becoming a soloist appreciated locally and nationally, with trophies and awards in her personal record, Raluca focuses on the study of Conducting Art, specializing in Conducting in the class of Prof. Unic.Dr.Nicolae Goose as a student and master student of the George Enescu University of Art Iași. During his student years, he became a member, later a soloist of the Cantores Amicitiae Choir, a framework for continuous development as a conductor and as a vocal performer (2006-2012). He is taking the Orchestra Conducting Courses in the class of Prof.Univ.Dr. Victor Dumănescu and Cristian Oroșanu (2009-2010) within UNAGE and the Master Courses in Choral Conducting organized by UNAGE (2010), under the guidance of Prof.Univ.Dr. Nicolae Gâscă.
The student years are sprinkled with beautiful memories created both in the tours of the Cantores Amicitiae choir (Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, Italy, Finland, Russia, etc.), and due to the involvement and contribution brought by Raluca in the music camps intended children, where he teaches Canto, Choral Ensemble, Music Theory, Flute Instrument (2010-2013 – teacher Summer School Tescani, Bacau; teacher – children’s training program supported by Casa Mia Inculeț, Bârnova; Summer School of Music, organized by the Miclăușeni Missionary Cultural Center, by Mateius Ing with the support of the Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina).
During her years of Master in Conducting at UNAGE, Raluca deepened the music and vocal-symphonic creation of the composer Anton Bruckner, as well as the choral repertoire of opera.
She became a collaborator in 2011 as Conductor in the Romanian National Opera Iasi, in 2012 she was hired as a Blower in the Romanian National Opera Iasi, and after 5 years in which the results showed the dedication and inclination to train young talents of choir members. children Juniors of the Opera, Raluca is employed as Choir Conductor within ONRI.
The period 2011-2020 is prolific through Raluca’s continuous progress and her contribution to ONRI as choir conductor, assistant conductor, screenwriter, blower, mezzo-soprano-lyric artist, contributing to the progress of both colleagues and young people who are trained as artists. He performs national and international tours, in which the Opera is recognized by children’s appearances at events, concerts, choral recitals (Iasi, Suceava, Botosani, Bacau, Metz-France, etc.). She is invited as a member of the juries of the Interpretation Contests for children (From the gathered world and back to the given world, Kreativis, The Christmas Gift, Cantis, etc.).
In 2019, he will follow Advanced Courses in Choral Conducting Art, within the Canco Mediterrania and Pau Casals Festival-Competition – Spain. As conductor of the children’s choir Juniors of the Opera, he returns to Iași with 3 awards (2 silver and 1 bronze) won at this international competition in which he attacks a different repertoire from the one with which the children were familiar (sacred music, folk, negro -spiritual, pop).
Starting with 2019, he is the founder and president of the ZART Cultural Association, he establishes and coordinates the SunnyVox adolescent choral group. During the pandemic, Raluca also founded the RAZA Children’s Choir, intended for children under 6 years of age, an activity of initiation in choral singing, relaxation, good cheer, playing through vocal singing.
In the summer of 2020, he concludes a collaboration contract as a teacher of the Choral Ensemble within the Octav Băncilă Iași National College of Art and becomes a full professor at the Iași Children’s Palace.
He is the organizer of the CANTIS National Interpretation Contest, in partnership with UNAGE, CNAOB, Kiwanis Association.
Iași City Hall, Iași Local Council and Iași National Athenaeum invite her in September 2020 to start the project CHILDREN’S CHOIR OF IAI MUNICIPALITY, as Conductor, an artistic training activity for children and young people from Iași, who in partnership with ONRI step on the stage of the Opera , together with artists-professionals, being present at the events organized by the Iași National Athenaeum, Iași City Hall, Associations, Foundations, televisions, etc.
The Children’s Choir of Iași unites children and young people from Iași through choral singing, being a project that emphasizes social integration through free access regardless of social status, cultural development and communication, interactivity.

Virgil Popa
Conductor of the Iași Youth Orchestra

Virgil Popa
Born in Botoșani County in 1975, he studied double bass at the Stefan Luchian Art High School. A graduate of the George Enescu National University of Arts in Iași (1999), Music Performance – double bass, Virgil Popa also studied conducting art with the famous Finnish conductor and pedagogue Jorma Panula (Musikene Conservatory of San Sebastian in 2003), with Enrique Garcia Asensio and Konrad von Abel, disciples of master Sergiu Celibidache.
Settled in Madrid in the spring of 2001, he enjoyed intense artistic activity. After an experience of almost 19 years in Spain, he returned to Romania in 2019 as a member of the Erasmus ART + project, after which he re-established himself in Iasi as a teacher of orchestra and chamber music at the National College of Art “Octav Băncilă” Iasi. At the end of 2019, it lays the foundations of the Iași Youth Orchestra, the project taking on a real outline with the support of the City Hall and under the tutelage of the National Athenaeum in Iași.
In 2005 he founded the International Orchestra of Madrid with which he performed in important halls and festivals in Spain and Portugal. Also here he was at the conducting desk of the Academica Orchestras of Madrid and Joaquin Turina of Valencia. In recent years he has been a guest conductor at the Banatul Philharmonic in Timișoara, the Mihail Jora Bacău Philharmonic and the Sibiu State Philharmonic.
In his artistic career he was part of important orchestras such as the Romanian National Opera Orchestra Iași (1995-1999), the Black Sea Philharmonic Orchestra of Constanța (1999-2000), Jeunesses Musicales Wold Orchestra (2000), the Madrid Philharmonic Orchestra (2002). -2006) and collaborated with the Symphony Orchestra of the Royal Theater of Madrid between 2004-2012 and the Opera Theater Orchestra of
Valencia between 2012-2014, participating in concerts with great masters such as Zubin Mehta, Yakov Kreizberg, Jesús Lopez Cobos and soloists such as Placido Domingo, Roberto Alagna or Montserrat Caballé.
He was professor of double bass, chamber music and orchestra at the Montserrat Caballe Conservatory in Arganda del Rey (2003-2007) and at the Antón García Abril Academy of Music in Torrelodones.
Virgil Popa is the conductor and founding member of the Stradivari Symphony Orchestra in Madrid.

Paul Pintilie

Paul Pintilie
Born in Rădăuți, on June 21, 1990, Paul Pintilie chose the path of music from the first years of his life, showing a special interest in the piano. This hobby, which later became a passion, led him to vocational studies.
Thus, Paul decided to attend the courses of the National College of Arts „O. Băncilă ”from Iași, Main Piano section, then continuing his university studies at the“ George Enescu ”National University of Arts Iași, Composition section.
The study of piano, which has meanwhile become a profession, was completed by his initiation as a co-professor at the graduated college, and higher education led to doctoral research, ending with the title of Doctor of Music in December 2019.
During his training, Paul Pintilie had the honor to study and absorb information from illustrious teachers of the art of musical composition, such as Sabin Păutza, Cristian Misievici or Viorel Munteanu.
Being a fan of Jazz and Pop music, the study of these stylistic branches proceeds in parallel with the academic training, fact materialized by repeated participation in competitions and festivals (Jazz Festivals in Târgu Mureș, Sibiu, Budapest Jazz Locomotive, etc. .). Meetings with contemporary artists who revolutionized pop music also contributed to his ongoing training, with Paul sharing the stage with Jennifer Batten and Sam Sims (instrumentalists in Michael Jackson’s band), members of Smokie and Scorpions.
His most recent achievement as a pianist is the position of Master Singer in the Children’s Choir of Iasi, within the National Athenaeum in Iasi, conductor Raluca Zaharia.
Paul considers that any theoretical information of an academic nature is a sine qua non condition of the interpretive or creative artistic act, without marginalizing, of course, the force of musical feeling and intuition that gives uniqueness to each musician.